Wednesday, May 2, 2012

For my final for Time Media I decided to do a rotoscope using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. I took a video of my friend dancing and edited 9 seconds of it. I created a video layer and I used the paint brush and went frame by frame, first drawing her dress on every frame for 9 seconds at 29.97 frames per second. There is a total of 270 frames that I drew. Then I went through all of the frames and drew her arms, legs, and face. Then I went and drew her hair frame by frame. Her dress, body, and hair are each on different video layers in photoshop. Drawing each part frame by frame took a lot of time because I would have to draw and erase until I got each frame to look good to create the whole video which looks good and smooth. I decided to keep the background white because I thought that looked best. Then I decided to add a title to the beginning and credits to the end. For the title, I drew the blue background on a regular layer. On another layer I typed "Dance", then on a video layer I traced over the text with the paintbrush for two frames and then duplicated those two frames, alternating them so that the title is jumpy. Then I added my name on a regular layer. The title is 3 seconds. For the credits at the end, I reused the blue background and duplicated the "Dance" video layer. I typed "Created by Kate Sage" on a regular layer and then duplicated it and moved it to the right  every 3 frames so that when you play it it moves across the screen. I did the same for "Dance by Meghan Busch" and "With thanks to Professor Sanders". The whole video came out to be 17 seconds and I did the whole thing using Photoshop. When I was finished, I brought the video into final cut and added the music. The music I chose was "Matchmaker" from Killer Tracks.